triptych picture of 
	musical instruments.

Main Street Music Blogging page
where we share our opinions on relevant topics.

The importance of the Piano

The piano has, from shortly after the time of its invention in Italy around 1700 by Bartholomew Cristofori to the present time, always been considered the basic musical instrument. No matter what musical instrument you may eventually specialize on, learning music fundamentals on a piano is very beneficial. At Main Street Music, we carry a comprehensive line of both new and used pianos of all types, and we can also provide piano instruction so that you can start your musical endeavors with a good foundation and knowledge of the most important aspects of making music.

Traditional Hammond Organs

Ever since its invention in 1935, the Hammond Organ has become one of the most important instruments in all types of musical work. In fact, we could probably say that in these times, the traditional Hammond organ perhaps equals or even exceeds the piano as being the most important musical instrument when it comes to learning the fundamentals of music making. Another important feature of the Hammond organ is the way that it can show you a lot about musical sounds, and why different instruments sound different from each other and also how musical sounds are formed. We have a number of traditional Hammond organs in our warehouse and also have several in our store for you to get a first hand opportunity to find out why the Hammond organ has been so important in music ever since it first appeared.

Why Learn to Play a Musical Instrument?

Learning to play a musical instrument confers many benefits and advantages for those who pursue this activity. It's been demonstrated and proven that learning a musical instrument significantly improves memory; it improves cognitive memory and it also develops "muscle memory" as well. Playing a musical instrument requires you to use both the right and left parts of your brain, therefore working your brain harder and improving its functioning. Scientists have discovered that participation in music at an early age can help improve a child's learning ability and memory by stimulating different patterns of brain development, and that music training benefits older people as well. And, making music is both a fun and also a very enjoyable activity.